Google and the Rise of Facebook

Link: Google and the Rise of Facebook An excellent roundup of emerging events, trends and predictions as things are heating up, often in the background, between Google and its capabilities and Facebook and its growing list of new capabilities, but each giant is in its own context, its own world, and they are very different….

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Google Calendar Goes Down (and is still down)

Link: Google Calendar Goes Down (and is still down) “If you just finished sleeping off the weekend and are in the process of missing your first appointments of the day, we have a convenient excuse for you: Google Calendar is down.” If you use Google Calendar: Do you know where you are supposed to be…

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Google Bars Data From Facebook as Rivalry Heats Up

Link: Google Bars Data From Facebook as Rivalry Heats Up “Google will no longer let other services automatically import its users’ email contact data for their own purposes, unless the information flows both ways. It accused Facebook in particular of siphoning up Google contact data …” by Alexei Oreskovic on Reuters, h/t @JayBaer

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Google Launches Blog Finder for Any Topic

Link: Google Launches Blog Finder for Any Topic “Google has quietly launched a new feature: search for blogs on any topic.” “This has the potential to be a wildly useful service. How many of you have had professional or personal reasons to seek a list of the top blogs on a new topic? I know…

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