Why You’re Pissing Off Half Your Facebook Fans

Link: Why You’re Pissing Off Half Your Facebook Fans Research shows: 51% of consumers expect the company to send them marketing messages after ‘liking’ the brand on Facebook 40% of consumers do not expect the company to send them marketing messages after ‘liking’ the brand on Facebook 9% aren’t sure what to expect Whoa. Even…

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Why Social Media Has Ruined Your Advantage

Link: Why Social Media Has Ruined Your Advantage “Speed and brevity are the twin rails of technology and customer interaction.” “… the responsiveness expectations your customers place upon you in social media will continue to heighten … This creates a problem even bigger than speed.” by Jay Baer on Convince & Convert blog

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Have you updated your business model?

Link: Have you updated your business model? Drew makes us stop and look, shares some great recent examples of companies that have not updated their business model to the customer realities of today, and then makes us look at ourselves. Gone are yesteryear’s low expectations and patience. by Drew McLellan (@DrewMcLellan)

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Is Social Conversation a Myth?

Link: Is Social Conversation a Myth? Bemoaning the lack of “conversation” in social media, describing what *is* happening instead, talking about expectations, settling or not, technology implications, and the whole “conversation thing” …. or should something else be the goal? by Jay Baer, @jaybaer, with quotes from Mitch Joel, Joseph Jaffe, and Beth Harte.

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