Five Social Media Must-Haves for Crisis Handling

Link: Five Social Media Must-Haves for Crisis Handling “Organizations and businesses that don’t plan for crisis will be left behind when the inevitable happens. Crisis plans can be short, but you need to have one. Real-time is the fastest way to join the conversation and provide help and information. Social helps you be your own…

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Can You Prepare For Stupid?

Link: Can You Prepare For Stupid? “At the very baseline of any brand’s social media policy should be the words; ‘Just Don’t Be Stupid’. Enter Gilbert Gottfried’s tweets a short time after the disaster in Japan.  Unfunny and tasteless, unneeded and regrettable.” How to respond. by Clinton Bonner (@clintonbon) on Everything to Everything blog

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Your Social Media Disaster Kit

Link: Your Social Media Disaster Kit “Brand meltdowns are as old as brands. In the past, we called them public relations disasters — usually because the brand had somehow become ensnared in an epic controversy that would require the entire might of the PR department to spin like mad before the bad news swallowed the…

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How to Avoid a Social Media Disaster

Link: How to Avoid a Social Media Disaster Five steps to prepare you to handle a “bad situation” (e.g. negative comments) if or when it happens to you or your orgranziation in one of the social media environments. A bit of pre-planning could be very helpful. Practical advice from Clay McDaniel of Spring Creek Group (@springcreekgrp)…

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