The Beginner’s Guide to the #Hashtag

“If you’re a social media novice, hashtags — those short links preceded by the pound sign (#) — may seem confusing and unnecessary. But they are integral to the way we communicate online, and it’s important to know how to use them,” says Rebecca Hiscott of Using hashtags properly allows your business and brand…

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Why B2B Brands Need to Create Long-Form Content

“Brands must learn to master the art of short-form storytelling. Technology enables it; and consumer attention spans demand it. Whether if be a 6 to 15 second video, a single photo, or 140 characters of usefulness, there’s no doubt that companies must learn how to tell their brand story quickly and efficiently. But with all…

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The Thing About Facebook And Brands

“What should a brand do on Facebook?” — I got asked that question three times. Yesterday. The pressure that brands feel to make connections on Facebook is tremendous. They’re reading about all kinds of data about over a billion connected people and the power that Facebook yields in terms of keeping people engaged and using…

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30 Things to Tweet or Post About Your Brand

“Businesses often experience a loss of direction shortly after starting into Twitter or a Facebook Page. Once they have had enough of following influential people and greeting people in their network, there seems hardly anything worth doing. If you too are facing a similar Twitter/Facebook-crisis, relax, this post is especially for you. Just use a…

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