Content Publishing & Solving Practical Problems

Emerge2 Welcomes Daryna to the Team

Emerge2 Digital is excited to have Daryna join us as a full-time Content Creator and Project Manager! Daryna holds a Master’s degree in International Information and her experience includes creating content for a web development company and a not-for-profit organization as well as working for a community of tech professionals.

At Emerge2, Daryna is jumping into the content creator role by creating, publishing and updating digital content for our clients’ websites and social media. She will also be a vital producer for our growing DIY Library which is published on a number of Emerge2 Digital’s client websites such as Ouellette Bros. Building Supplies and Magnolia Hardware & Supply. Daryna is also responsible for organizing projects, preparing information for meetings, and issuing tasks to freelancers and colleagues.

Daryna has experience creating websites and publishing content using a variety of Content Management Systems (WordPress, Django Admin, Wix) as well as providing support to clients. Additionally, she has a good understanding of both business needs and limitations of technology.

Her favourite thing about working in tech is utilizing technology to solve practical problems of individuals and organizations. Daryna also enjoys working alongside people who see technical challenges as new opportunities and are willing to look for long-lasting solutions.

In her free time, you can find her reading science fiction, video editing or spending time outside and exploring her community.